What’s New in Release 2013.1
Online Auctions
- Separate project type for setting up and managing auction portfolios
- Real-time dashboard to manage multiple auctions simultaneously
- Inline editing of dashboard to dynamically update key fields
- Increased flexibility for auto-extension based on late-stage bidding
- Allow buyers to submit bids directly from Listing Engine™
- Option to sort auctions by name, date, or bid amount
- Ability to update auction settings after auction has started
- Custom auction links from Virtual Deal Rooms™ and asset landing pages
- Better status messages for bidders who have not yet been approved to bid
- Option to accept deposit from prospective buyers via credit card
Hosted Websites
- Custom websites for clients who need login, registration, and seamless integration with RCM1 platform
- Option to flag individual listings as favorites for quick access
Listing Engines™
- Integrate listings without the use of a separate scrollbar
- Improved mobile experience
- Option to display real-time auction data including Bid Now buttons as buyers are approved to bid
- Ability to sort auctions based on key fields
Other Enhancements and Updates
- More intuitive design for bankingcentersforsale.com
- Clarify Company Summary area on user profiles
- Remove Asset Listing service from Premium VDR package
- Allow user search exports to be re-imported
- Don’t allow users with incomplete records to access RCM1 Marketplace listings
- Prevent javascript from corrupting Overview description
- Show password strength indicator when resetting passwords
- Validate names and email addresses for new users
- Save new pushpin location when updating multiple addresses
- Ability to lock template projects to prevent accidental changes
- Allow complex PDF files to be uploaded to Virtual Deal Rooms
- Maintain display order for contacts assigned using an Import Projects spreadsheet
- Copy custom Agreement Report fields when creating new projects from a template
- Allow Research to forward Locked Account email to users
- Set State to N/A for international teams and companies
- Only allow auction bids after auction has been started
- Don’t copy title when copying users
- Includes links to expired projects on Company page
- Prevent names from being overridden when re-importing Agreements report
- Display company after creation for further editing
- Update layout of Profile tab
- Remove “Send Activation” button from Research tab
- Update default content for Initial Broadcast templates
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